

Budweiser (Sex Sells), acrylic on stretched canvas, 30×40″


Mutual Consent, acrylic on stretched canvas, 36×48″

Digital capture, reproduction, and dissemination technologies have facilitated a collapsing of history. Anyone today can virtually witness the Arab Spring, episodes of Star Trek, the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall, role play a zombie holocaust or alien invasion, and any number of other things simultaneously. All time and space, fiction and non-fiction, is compressed through a mediated experience of recorded (and recording) events.

The readily accessible circulation of all previous and all occurring cultural products has given rise to everything being in vogue simultaneously – all trends and fads, all lifestyles and worldviews, and all representations of these. This is reflected in contemporary art and fashion, where each creative work is a convergence of distanciated influences – an oblivious pastiche of styles devoid of their originating contexts.

It’s in this sense that we live in a retrozoic age of recycled simulacra.


Inspiration, acrylic on stretched canvas, 20×16″


Only in America, acrylic on stretched canvas, 20×20″

*The Retrozoic series is comprised of a subset of representative works from Miscellania.